Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Several Weeks


So I am into my second week at the company and it feels like I've been there for weeks. My days usually consist  of training and enjoyable lunch breaks. It's pretty awesome being so close to so many shops. I also feel truly valued by the company. I also have my own business cards!

So far the training has been how to use their software, which is pretty cool. Every piece of software is tailored to their brand and the work email is totally integrated. I receive emails about meetings and can accept them and then it shows up in my email calender and syncs to the internal messenger so when I am in that meeting, my status is set as "in a meeting" in the office communicator.

I get to change my phone message daily to let clients know where I am and when they will hear back from me (not that I am dealing with clients yet).

I am working in Global Employer Services in the tax department and get to complete individual returns for expatriates. This means I will not only be doing Canadian tax returns but also U.S. returns. I have been reviewing Canadian tax laws (which I covered my tax classes), but I am also learning about U.S. tax law. The U.S. tax laws are interesting to say the least, the basic formulas are similar but some of the different filing types are weird.

So I have been getting familiar with the special software for filing Canadian taxes, a different software for filing U.S. returns and another piece of software to manage both! Most of this was still just theoretical until the last couple of days. Since yesterday I have been entering in mock returns and playing with the software, both programs have user friendly features but interestingly enough, I like the U.S. software better so far. I haven't used the program for monitoring both yet.

The company is also sending the new hires (including me!) to Toronto at the end of January for a week of training at their office there.  I have had to complete a New Hire checklist as well as a checklist to prepare for this intensive week of training in Toronto.

Some of the things I find weird about the electronic filing and programs are that everything is paperless and the programs do most of the calculations for you! A total change from the student occupation I had up until December. I am so used to having the paper return in front of me and a piece of paper full of lists and numbers and formulas to figure out, say, operating benefit of a company car. All you have to do is enter in the eligible dividends into a line and it figures out the dividend tax credit! I will probably find it nice in time, but I do miss those things right now. I'm also used to being able to spread everything out in front of me to combine groups and subsections of the aggregate formula and since its on my monitors (3!) I need to maneuver on the screen.

I am required to show that I have checked my work, or the computers work by placing a check-mark stamp by important figures. I also need to keep "working papers" as I go, dragging and dropping each file (forms such as T4's) into a PDF and bookmarking as needed so reviewers of my work can easily maneuver through all of the return information.

This blog could go on forever! There are so many different aspects to this job and I am learning so much.

I don't know how long my other posts will be once I get in to busy season. We are also moving buildings at the  beginning of February!

This experience is really awesome but transitioning back to Calgary and away from home is tough. I miss all you guys so much and I miss my community. The people I'm working with are really awesome and are making the transition easier. I still think about you guys all the time. I also miss the super easy commute!

I watched someone try and parallel park downtown and hit the car behind him twice! I also am going to try and walk to work regularly but its been so cold I have only done it once so far (today).

Anyways, my next post will probably be a week or two into February, I will have started actual returns (hopefully) by then and finished that training in Toronto!

Until then!

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