Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August Update

I have been home for little over a week now and have been reflecting on my work term.

In the past month I have learned a lot about cleaning up current work and documenting properly so when a job that couldn't be completed before I left could be understood by the next person to take it.

The past eight months have taught me better time management and communication. I know these skills will benefit me in all aspects of my life.

I have also made strong connections with multiple departments within the firm I worked for and have made life long colleagues in the Accounting field.

It is really nice to be home again and I am excited to apply the skills I have gained when I go back for my final semester.

I am very glad I chose to take the co-op program. The reason why I took it to begin with was to gain experience before I searched for permanent employment. I looked around my classroom and asked myself "what would give me an edge against all these other students searching for employment?". I knew it would be actual experience in the work world.