Monday, July 25, 2011

July Update

So far this month I have been dealing mostly with follow up contact with Canada Revenue Agency. This usually involves trying to resolve the issue with returns we have submitted by calling them. Sometimes the CRA requests further information to complete their processing of the clients return. This usually means we have to compile the information requested and send it along with a cover letter. 

I have also been involved in the general correspondence with clients to keep them up to date with their tax situation with CRA. 

Additionally, I have been involved with more consulting work with some managers in my department. This has been a really great opportunity for me to understand more theory behind the work I do day-to-day. 
I am gaining confidence in the work I am doing and I am receiving positive feedback from the people I work with.

We are also working on a video for the company for their recruiting campaign. It has been really fun. I do not know if I can actually upload it but I will try when it is done.

My co-op term is coming to a close and I cannot believe that it has already been 7 months. I have gained so much from this experience.

Now to just decide where I want to be once I graduate in December!